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8th March 2017 - Meet-up in Leicester

East Midlands Apple Admins

Our next meet-up will be at the new Centre for Medicine, at the University of Leicester on the evening of Wednesday 8th March.

The agenda is as follows (subject to change prior to the meeting):

19:00-19:30 Arrivals & Mingle

19.30-19:45 MACADUK - My Take Aways (Ben Reilly)

19:45-20:15 Parallels Business Solutions (Pat Begbie)

20:15-20:45 Academia (Paul Garrad)

20:45-21:30 Open Discussion

Beer and Pizza will be provided, courtesy of JAMF. Looking forward to seeing you there!

As always, the meet-up is free of charge but space is limited, so please register your intention to attend here:

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