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1 April 2020 - Next meet-up in Nottingham

Happy New Year all!

The lovely guys and gals at Jigsaw24 in Nottingham have very kindly offered again to host us again on the evening of Wednesday 1st April.

The draft agenda (and rough timings) is as follows:

19:00-19:30 Arrivals and refreshments

19:30-19:45 Welcome to Jigsaw24

19:45-20:00 Talk 1 (TBC)

20:00-20:15 Takeaways from MacAd.UK

20:15-20:45 Code42 Presentation

20:45-21:00 Jamf Update (TBC)

21:00-21:30 Open Discussion

Refreshments will be provided!

Looking forward to seeing you there.

The meet-up is free of charge but space is limited, so please register your intention to attend here:

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